Buying Highlands NC Real Estate, What is a Solid Offer?

buying Highlands NC real estate

Buying Highlands NC Real Estate, What is a Solid Offer?

buying Highlands NC real estate

Meadows Mountain Realty, Highlands NC real estate

Many people buying Highlands NC real estate ask the question “What is a solid offer?” After all, when a buyer finds a property he wants, he in turn would like to close the deal. Furthermore, a solid offer is different in different markets. In a sellers’ market, a solid offer frequently means higher than the asking price and a quick closing time period. Sitting down with an experienced Highlands NC REALTOR will offer an evaluation of current market conditions as well as what is needed to close a deal.

Not always about the price

A solid offer is not always about price. Ultimately, the more your REALTOR can find out about the home and the seller the better. For example, if a Highlands NC home is being sold because the seller has another property under contract then timing may be important. Dates and contingencies come into play when crafting an offer and are often as important as the price.

Many ingredients

A solid offer often has many ingredients. The timing of contingencies can be as important as the timing of closing, for example. If the closing date is pushed out but all of the contingency dates are upfront then a seller can rest easy knowing the buyer is serious. Once contingency dates have come and gone it will not be easy for a buyer to exit the contract. Negotiation is an important part of crafting an offer that a seller will accept.

Learn more about buying Highlands NC real estate

Contact our team at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Meadows Mountain Realty today to learn more about buying real estate in Highlands NC. We welcome the opportunity to update you on the market while preparing you for the process. Let our knowledge and experience serve as your guide to buying Highlands NC real estate.

Click here to read “Top Tips to Make Your Offer Stick” from Realty Times.